Month: May 2020

Serve Faithfully

Our Daily Bread Unseen Heroes Aaron and Hur held [Moses’s] hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.—Exodus 17:12 Stories in the Bible can make us stop and wonder. For instance, when Moses led God’s people into the Promised Land and the Amalekites attacked, how did he […]

Listen Intently

Something New. Last weekend Nancy and I went hiking. It is something we have occasionally done during our marriage. With COVID-19 life, we are looking for every chance we can find to get outdoors. We went to a local lake that has great and challenging hiking trails. We had a blast. Without so many things […]

An Opportunity for Great Joy

It’s a process of faith. Opportunity for change. This is the 8th week of special Tuesday One Things during the effects of COVID-19. In week one I challenged you as a couple to intentionally grow your marriage during this season. Over the weeks we have talked about a number of things for you to do […]

Power of Prayer

WLCC’s sermon series “Living in God’s Blessing- Part 3” Our most powerful weapon. The ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are overwhelming. Our hearts are saddened for those who have lost loved ones and for those who are ill. Then there are our new heroes – the checker at my grocery store, the doctors and […]