Our Daily Bread
March on, my soul; be strong!……..Judges 5:21
In 2012, Phillips, Craig and Dean released their song “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.” It was inspired by the true story of a heart surgeon. After removing a patient’s heart to repair it, the surgeon returned it to the chest and began gently massaging it back to life. But the heart wouldn’t restart. More intense measures followed, but the heart still wouldn’t beat. Finally, the surgeon knelt next to the unconscious patient and spoke to her: “Miss Johnson,” he said, “this is your surgeon. The operation went perfectly. Your heart has been repaired. Now tell your heart to beat again.” Her heart began to beat.
The idea that we could tell our physical heart to do something might seem strange, but it has spiritual parallels. “Why, my soul, are you downcast?” the psalmist says to himself. “Put your hope in God” (Psalm 42:5). “Return to your rest, my soul,” says another, “for the Lord has been good to you” (116:7). After beating Israel’s enemies in war, Deborah, a judge, revealed that she too had spoken to her heart during battle. “March on, my soul,” she told it, “be strong!” (Judges 5:21), because the Lord had promised victory (4:6-7).
Our capable Surgeon has mended our heart (Psalm 103:3). So when fear, depression, or condemnation come, perhaps we too should address our souls and say: March on! Be strong! Feeble heart, beat again.
By Sheridan Voysey
REFLECT & PRAY: Master Physician, thank You for being with me in every trial and battle. Because of Your promised presence, I will direct my soul to act bravely.
Credit: Our Daily Bread
What do I mean by “date night”?
I talk a lot about “date nights” and how important they are in a marriage. In talking to some couples recently, I realized that sometimes my definition and their definition of what a date night should be are different. I’m not talking about what you do on the date or where you go or whether it is in the day or at night. I’m talking about who goes on the date. The date night that I think grows a marriage and gives you an opportunity to really connect involves only two people – you and your spouse.
Date night does not mean the two of you along with one or more other couples. Those nights are fine but they have to come second to the “two of you alone” date night. Date night is not for the two of you and your kids. Those nights are also fine but not on this night.
I think that maybe some of us are a little scared to spend an evening with just the two of us. What will we do? What will we talk about? I get that some of you may be uncomfortable at first but I promise you great date nights will follow if you will just persevere through a little uncomfortableness or awkwardness.
Today’s One Thing: Have a Date Night for just the two of you!
DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!
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