Month: July 2020

Rebuild and Strengthen

You Become What You Thinkcredit: Inspirations by Lisa Singh  For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 (NIV) Anyone who comes into a relationship with Jesus receives a new heart and must guard it. However, the mind of man must now be renewed daily with the word of God. Isn’t […]

Life’s Storm

Love Selflessly Sacrifices The Academy Award- winning World War II movie Saving Private Ryan tells the story of a young soldier (Private Ryan) whose brothers have been killed in battle. To spare his family the agony of losing all of their sons, the government orchestrates a rescue mission to save him and send him home. […]

Encouragement Provided

I Got This What is Our Response to COVID-19?by Rocky Fleming “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” (Philippians 1:12 ESV)The Apostle Paul was imprisoned and taken to Rome.  He was taken out of his public ministry.  His form of distributing the Gospel […]

He Has A Purpose

ALL THINGS God is using every circumstance in our lives to shape us and use us for His purpose! It can be hard for us to accept the idea of God using ‘all things’ in this way. We know that God uses His Word to renew our minds and transform us. We can accept that […]