Our Daily Bread
Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil……..Psalm 141:4
Years ago, when I was learning to ski, I followed my son Josh down what appeared to be a gentle slope. With my eyes on him I failed to notice he turned down the steepest hill on the mountain, and I found myself careening down the slope, completely out of control. I cratered, of course.
Psalm 141 shows how we can easily find ourselves slipping down sin’s slope. Prayer is one of the ways we stay alert to those slopes: “Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil” (v. 4) is a plea that echoes the Lord’s Prayer almost exactly: “Lead [me] not into temptation, but deliver [me] from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). In His goodness, God hears and answers this prayer.
And then I find in this psalm another agent of grace: a faithful friend. “Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it” (Psalm 141:5). Temptations are subtle. We’re not always aware that we’re going wrong. A true friend can be objective. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6 nkjv). It’s hard to accept rebuke, but if we see the wounding as a “kindness” it can become an anointing that puts us back on the path of obedience.
May we be open to truth from a trusted friend and rely on God through prayer.
By David H. Roper
Father, please keep my feet from straying. Help me to listen to You and good friends.
Credit: Our Daily Bread
God wants you to live in the moment. He wants you to savor every minute you have with your loved ones on this planet, but he also wants you to live with an eternal perspective.
I was watching a football game recently on DVR. I knew the outcome of the game because I’d seen the final score on the news before I watched the replay. My team won! Knowing I already had the victory changed the entire experience of watching the game.
As I watched the game unfold, there were times my team was losing. I started thinking to myself, Oh, no! We’re behind! We won’t be able to come back. This isn’t going to end well.
Then I would come to my senses and realize, Wait! The end is already decided. Victory is certain. We’ve already won!
When the opposition would score, it wasn’t pleasant to watch, but I could smile because I knew the final outcome.
You and I are living lives full of ups and downs. There are days that seem like a victory, and other days we feel defeated. On the hard days it’s easy to look around and become discouraged. It’s easy to feel like things are never going to work out.
I want you to be reassured with the truth of God’s eternal promises. The end of the story is already written, and we win!
Jesus has claimed victory. Through faith in him, we can rest assured that he will set all things right and make all things new. We’ll get to celebrate with him and with our loved ones forever.
Love isn’t a story with a happy ending. Love is a story with no ending!
When we choose to love people the way Jesus loves people, the world will change. Don’t treat others the way they treat you; treat others the way God treats you. Embrace the love of Jesus in your own life, and then model the example of Jesus in your relationships. Jesus changed the world with love, and he wants you and me to continue in this. He wants to give you a new heart and a new life.
When you step from this life into eternity, love will be all that matters. Live your life with a heart of love. You’ll be amazed at what will happen as a result.
Nurture Your Common Interest
Do you remember that time in your dating relationship with your spouse that you thought, “We have so many things in common?” I remember looking across a restaurant table one night when we were in college and thinking that Nancy and I were so alike in so many ways. As we entered the toughest year of our marriage six years later I thought, “What was I thinking?”
For us, we did have a lot in common but we also had a lot of differences that we ignored while dating. In marriage, these differences reared their heads and we had no idea how to deal with them. At the same time we did nothing to nurture the things we had in common that brought us together in the first place. What were your common interests when you were dating? Have you continued to nurture these or not? When you continue to develop your common interests you are more connected and you weather the storms of marriage better and stay on the same team.
Today’s One Thing: Pick one common interest and nurture it together in your marriage!
DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!
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