God delights in obediance

Struggling at work? Do you have to home school or entertain your young children at home while trying to balance work from home? Maybe you don’t have a job? Are your finances depleted? What specific “situation” are you facing?

Pastor Ray: This is a faith moment in your life.  You have left Egypt and are staring at the Red Sea.  You can’t go back and don’t know how to go forward.  This is the kind of dilemma God often uses to force us to rely on Him.  But just as Moses wasn’t expected to make things happen on his own, neither does God expect you to do so.  He is with you.  He will go before you to lead the way.  He will go with you to strengthen you. And He will protect you, by revealing the unseen things. Pray Always!

You were built for such a time as this. God has created you with gifts, talents, and abilities to Glorify Him. He has given you influence, platforms, and resources to represent and to reflect Him in the Earth. You were created for Purpose. You were intentionally and strategically planted in the Earth, by God, for such a time as this. Your birth was not by accident. The timing of your placement was not by happenstance. God planted you in the Earth for His Pleasure and Delight.

Don’t let your destiny wither and die by choosing to disobey God. Choose to obey Christ and walk forward in Purpose. Don’t hold back. You cannot stay silent. It pleases God when you choose to actively walk in your purpose. Walk in your call. You cannot hold back any longer. The gifts, talents, and abilities that God has placed in you must come forth. Stop hiding your gift. Stop hoarding your talent.  God wants to shine through you so that the world will see and know that He is God. Let His Light shine through you. 

Maybe, God gave you that position for such a time as this. Maybe, God gave you that role for such a time as this. Maybe, God has given you influence for such a time as this. Maybe, God gave you that platform for such a time as this. Maybe, God gave you that board seat for such a time as this. Whatever the case, use the gifts, talents, abilities, platforms, influence, and resources for such a time as this. Choose to obey Christ. Choose to Glorify God. Choose to move forward in your purpose and destiny. Don’t let your purpose die in the wilderness. You were called to do more. You were called to lead. Speak up. You were called for such a time as this. 

Our Daily Bread

Running Into Love

I have loved you with an everlasting love………Jeremiah 31:3

Nora was tiny, but “Bridget”—the belligerent, six-foot-tall woman glowering down at her—didn’t intimidate her. Bridget couldn’t even say why she had stopped at the crisis pregnancy center; she’d already made up her mind to “get rid of this . . . kid.” So Nora gently asked questions, and Bridget rudely deflected them with profanity-laced tirades. Soon Bridget got up to leave, defiantly declaring her intent to end her pregnancy.

Slipping her small frame between Bridget and the door, Nora asked, “Before you go, may I give you a hug, and may I pray for you?” No one had ever hugged her before—not with healthy intentions, anyway. Suddenly, unexpectedly, the tears came.

Nora beautifully reflects the heart of our God who loved His people Israel “with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3). The people had stumbled into the hard consequences of their persistent violation of His guidelines. Yet God told them, “I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again” (vv. 3-4). Bridget’s history is complex. (Many of us can relate.) Until she ran into real love that day, her belief had been that God and His followers would only condemn her. Nora showed her something different: the God who won’t ignore our sin because He loves us beyond imagination. He welcomes us with open arms. We don’t have to keep running.

By Tim Gustafson

Father, I so often take Your incredible love for granted. Forgive me, and help me to reflect that love to someone today.

Is there One Thing that makes a difference in a marriage?

I was talking to my pastor one day, and he asked me an interesting question. He said, “Is there something you think always makes a difference in a marriage?” My answer was yes. That “thing” is prayer. Most of you know that I consistently encourage couples to pray together. It changes the way we look at each other, our marriage, life in general, and God. I have seen prayer turn a marriage at the end of a rope completely around.

For those of you who have been around Awesome Marriage for any amount of time, I hope you are praying together every day. Last week I was talking to a husband and wife who agreed that praying together has made a huge difference for them. In the middle of the conversation, I asked them how often they pray for their marriage. It was not a setup question. I was just curious, but their answer surprised me. The husband said, “When we were struggling, our marriage was about all we did pray for, but now that things are better, we don’t pray for our marriage at all.” As I reflected on his answer, I realized how typical his response was. We pray about something when we are in a crisis; then as the crisis lifts, we move on to something else. Here are my thoughts: Marriage is the second most important relationship you will ever have. We live in a culture that is constantly attacking marriage. Why would we not pray for our marriage every single day?

Today’s One Thing:
Today begin to pray for your marriage daily!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp at Old 690 Brewery at 15670 Ashbury Church Rd, Purcellville, VA
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 9:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

We Continue our Wednesday Evening Study Group online
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell