
Wearing Our Courage

If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven……..2 Kings 1:10

Andrew lives in a country that’s closed to the gospel. When I asked how he keeps his faith a secret, he said he doesn’t. He wears a button that advertises his church, and whenever he’s arrested he tells the police that “they need Jesus too.” Andrew has courage because he knows who’s on his side.

Elijah refused to be intimidated, even when the king of Israel sent fifty soldiers to arrest him (2 Kings 1:9). The prophet knew God was with him, and he called down fire that consumed the platoon. The king sent more soldiers, and Elijah did it again (v. 12). The king sent more, but the third platoon had heard about the others. The captain begged Elijah to spare his soldiers’ lives. They were more afraid of him than he’d ever been of them, so the angel of the Lord told Elijah it was safe to go with them (vv. 13-15).

Jesus doesn’t want us to call down fire on our enemies. When the disciples asked if they could call down fire on a Samaritan village, Jesus rebuked them (Luke 9:51-55). We’re living in a different time. But Jesus does want us to have Elijah’s boldness—to be ready to tell everyone about the Savior who died for them. It may seem like one person taking on fifty, but it’s actually One on fifty. Jesus provides what we need to courageously love and reach out to others.

By Mike Wittmer


Holy Spirit, thank You for living in me. Fill me with courage as I tell others about Jesus.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

Caught in No Man’s Land

During WWI there was an area between enemy lines and the trenches called “no man’s land.” 

It was dangerous territory, but you had to cross it to effectively confront the enemy.

The trenches were considered places of momentary safety, but you could never be fully secure in a trench. They were dirty, muddy and many times full of dead rotting bodies. Stray bullets or grenades would sometimes make their way into the open holes to kill without warning. 

In today’s modern culture “no man’s land” is the area where social, religious and political issues are fought and where few want to be caught. Gender and racial issues, abortion and politics all fall into the category of “no man’s land.” The territory has to be breached to fight the battle, but most would rather stay in the muck and mire of our personal trenches than engage the enemy. We may take an occasional bullet there, but few of us are ever courageous enough to step into “no man’s land.” It is just too dangerous.

Are you stuck in a trench? 

Being part of a minority and coming against many majority worldviews is challenging today. It means putting yourself in a vulnerable and dangerous and often poorly protected position. Although God can be found in the relative safety of trenches, it is not where we as His followers are called to stay. 

God’s wants us to confront the enemy, Satan, and He is bidding us to climb up out of our trenches and enter “no man’s land” with Him. To venture into dangerous hard places others don’t want to go and confront evil. 

The richness of knowing Jesus is the confidence that we never ever stand-alone or are left unprotected. His Word equips us with perfect equipment and footing to fight the battles that rage in today’s turbulent world. It is when we stay in worldly muck that we get stuck. We’ve got to trust that God’s got our back and our security lies in His ultimate reward—eternity with Him. He tells us that we have nothing to fear but Him.

Will you trust God and climb out of the trench? You’re needed on the battlefield. 

Credit: Devotional by Rick Warren.

Thanks to Lyle Dietrich for providing the content for the weekly inspirational bulletin.

What makes a man great?

One Thing Goes to the Movies! This summer we are going to count down the list of “25 Inspirational Movie Quotes That Could Change Your Life” compiled by Adam Freilich.
“Great men are not born great, they grow great.”  Mario Puzo, The Godfather

In this 1972 film, the aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.

What makes a man great? Culture seems to value wealth, power, success and fame. It has become part of the American Dream. The Bible would agree with the first part of this quote, “Great men are not born great,” because we are all born with a sin nature. The difference comes with the “grow great” part. The world’s view of what is great is in stark contrast to the Bible’s view of greatness. The greatest man that ever lived is Jesus, who was fully God and fully man; hard to comprehend but true. Jesus was great and lived the definition of greatness as He served others. The Creator of the universe got down on His hands and knees and washed the feet of others and then rose to be beaten and to die on a cross. 
What makes a man great? It is serving. As a man, how are you doing as a servant? Wives, how are you doing at speaking into your husband as he serves?  

Today’s One Thing:
As a husband, pray that God will show you the greatness in serving. As a wife, pray that God will give you the words to speak into your husband as he serves!
DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!
If you like this series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

Revival is Now!
Revival stirs Godly desires within you!
Revival gives you unusual boldness!
Revival gives you a powerful sound of freedom!
Ready or not, it is here!

Are you hungry for God to move in your life?
Are you ready for Godly desires to be stirred within you?
Are you ready for revival?

Contact Pastor Ray at

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 10:00 AM at the
Old Stone School,
37098 Charlestown Pike, Hillsboro VA

•We have a drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM
•We have socially distanced indoor seating.
•We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

Bible Study Group occurs virtually every Wednesday at 7:30 pm.
Youth Group occurs virtually every Monday evening at 7:00 pm
Join us for a lively discussion. Check your email for the online link to the meeting.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell