
Dream BIG

Our Daily Bread

“The Power of Demonstration

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.—2 Timothy 3:16

My attempts at fixing things around the house usually lead to paying someone else to undo the damage I caused while trying to fix the original problem. But recently I successfully repaired a home appliance by watching a YouTube video where a person demonstrated step by step how to do it.

Paul was a powerful example to his young protégé Timothy who traveled with him and watched him in action. From prison in Rome, Paul wrote, “You . . . know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings” (2 Timothy 3:10-11). In addition, he urged Timothy to “continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures” (vv. 14-15).

Paul’s life demonstrated the necessity of building our lives on the bedrock of God’s Word. He reminded Timothy that the Bible is the powerful, God-given source that we need to teach and to demonstrate to others who want to be Christ-followers.

As we thank the Lord for the people who helped us grow in faith, we are challenged to follow their example of living out the truth as we teach and encourage others.

That’s the power of demonstration. —David C. McCasland


Lord, as others have demonstrated Your truth to us, may we in turn show it to others.

From Dreaming to Doing
Credit Mark Batterson

Growing up, I heard today’s verse interpreted in negative terms. Take sinful thoughts captive and keep them out of your mind. And that is half the battle. But if we focus on the negative implications while ignoring the positive possibilities, it becomes a half-truth. It’s also about capturing creative thoughts and keeping them in our minds. Simply put, it’s about stewarding every idea inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Every dream is created twice. The first creation is mental. Every invention, every business, every building, every painting is conceived in the right-brain imagination first. It’s nothing more than a single-cell idea at that point. The second creation is physical. You make it obedient to Christ via blood, sweat, and tears.

If your dream is a book, you make it obedient with a keyboard.

If your dream is playing professional sport, you make it obedient at the gym.

If your dream is making music, you make it obedient one note at a time.

Your dreams will never exceed your imagination. You can’t achieve what you don’t believe. So idea generation is important. But idea execution is where the rubber meets the road.

I like thinkers. They make me think. And I applaud their ability to plot. But I love doers even more. They inspire me to action. And it’s the plodders, not the plotters, who make things happen.

God isn’t going to say, “Well planned, good and faithful servant.” He won’t say well thought, well said, or well strategized either. There is one commendation: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Setting goals is fun and games. Going after them is another matter. Without perspiration to match your inspiration, your dream imagined will turn into a dream deferred.

What do you need to start?

What are you waiting for?

Maybe it’s a diet. Maybe it’s a graduate program. Maybe it’s a church or a business. Whatever it is, the hardest part of finishing is starting. Going after a dream is like riding a bike—you’ve got to get a little momentum to really get going.

Consider this your push.

Where do you stand on the road to execution of your God-given idea? 

What if We Created Margin?

If you have ever consulted with a financial advisor, you have probably heard the word margin.  In dealing with our money, if we spend less than we make, we create margin. The bigger the difference between what we make and what we spend, the bigger the margin. For most of us, having financial margin reduces our stress level.

Now let’s apply that margin principle to marriage. Marriage can be stressful. We can get into ruts  and negative cycles, which over time can wreak havoc on a marriage. Instead, what if we created margin? For example, what if your spouse is always late and every time they are late you respond with a negative comment? “You are always late.” “Can’t you ever be on time?” “I am tired of waiting on you.” These responses will probably get a negative reaction from your spouse and definitely will not create any marriage margin.

What if instead you think of all the things your spouse has to do each day and have empathy for them? Instead of being critical of them when they show up late, you greet them with a hug and tell them how glad you are to see them. Instead of pouting, you set aside their lateness and focus on enjoying the time you have together. Now you are creating margin!  

Today’s One Thing:

Creating margin in your marriage begins with you. Look for your opportunity today!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp at Old 690 Brewery at 15670 Ashbury Church Rd, Purcellville, VA
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

We Continue our Wednesday Evening Study Group online
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell


Our Daily Bread

“It’s Slippery Out There”

Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil……..Psalm 141:4

Years ago, when I was learning to ski, I followed my son Josh down what appeared to be a gentle slope. With my eyes on him I failed to notice he turned down the steepest hill on the mountain, and I found myself careening down the slope, completely out of control. I cratered, of course.

Psalm 141 shows how we can easily find ourselves slipping down sin’s slope. Prayer is one of the ways we stay alert to those slopes: “Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil” (v. 4) is a plea that echoes the Lord’s Prayer almost exactly: “Lead [me] not into temptation, but deliver [me] from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). In His goodness, God hears and answers this prayer.

And then I find in this psalm another agent of grace: a faithful friend. “Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it” (Psalm 141:5). Temptations are subtle. We’re not always aware that we’re going wrong. A true friend can be objective. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6 nkjv). It’s hard to accept rebuke, but if we see the wounding as a “kindness” it can become an anointing that puts us back on the path of obedience.

May we be open to truth from a trusted friend and rely on God through prayer.

By David H. Roper

Father, please keep my feet from straying. Help me to listen to You and good friends.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

Love Lives Forever (We Win!)

God wants you to live in the moment. He wants you to savor every minute you have with your loved ones on this planet, but he also wants you to live with an eternal perspective.

I was watching a football game recently on DVR. I knew the outcome of the game because I’d seen the final score on the news before I watched the replay. My team won! Knowing I already had the victory changed the entire experience of watching the game.

As I watched the game unfold, there were times my team was losing. I started thinking to myself, Oh, no! We’re behind! We won’t be able to come back. This isn’t going to end well.

Then I would come to my senses and realize, Wait! The end is already decided. Victory is certain. We’ve already won!

When the opposition would score, it wasn’t pleasant to watch, but I could smile because I knew the final outcome.

You and I are living lives full of ups and downs. There are days that seem like a victory, and other days we feel defeated. On the hard days it’s easy to look around and become discouraged. It’s easy to feel like things are never going to work out.

I want you to be reassured with the truth of God’s eternal promises. The end of the story is already written, and we win!

Jesus has claimed victory. Through faith in him, we can rest assured that he will set all things right and make all things new. We’ll get to celebrate with him and with our loved ones forever.

Love isn’t a story with a happy ending. Love is a story with no ending!

When we choose to love people the way Jesus loves people, the world will change. Don’t treat others the way they treat you; treat others the way God treats you. Embrace the love of Jesus in your own life, and then model the example of Jesus in your relationships. Jesus changed the world with love, and he wants you and me to continue in this. He wants to give you a new heart and a new life.

When you step from this life into eternity, love will be all that matters. Live your life with a heart of love. You’ll be amazed at what will happen as a result. 

Nurture Your Common Interest

Do you remember that time in your dating relationship with your spouse that you thought, “We have so many things in common?” I remember looking across a restaurant table one night when we were in college and thinking that Nancy and I were so alike in so many ways. As we entered the toughest year of our marriage six years later I thought, “What was I thinking?”

For us, we did have a lot in common but we also had a lot of differences that we ignored while dating. In marriage, these differences reared their heads and we had no idea how to deal with them. At the same time we did nothing to nurture the things we had in common that brought us together in the first place. What were your common interests when you were dating? Have you continued to nurture these or not? When you continue to develop your common interests you are more connected and you weather the storms of marriage better and stay on the same team.

Today’s One Thing: Pick one common interest and nurture it together in your marriage!

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp at Old 690 Brewery at 15670 Ashbury Church Rd, Purcellville, VA
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

We Continue our Wednesday Evening Study Group online
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell

Rebuild and Strengthen

You Become What You Think
credit: Inspirations by Lisa Singh 

For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 (NIV)

Anyone who comes into a relationship with Jesus receives a new heart and must guard it. However, the mind of man must now be renewed daily with the word of God. Isn’t it amazing that our thought life is connected to our heart? God has and always will be concerned about our heart condition. God sees past the layers of our external expressions and facades and He goes straight to the heart. The writer of Proverbs points us to a profound truth about the principle of thought and the product of our lives. 

Let us take time and ponder this statement, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” From this, we can reason that the situations and circumstances in our lives could be because of our thinking patterns. I know this is a hard pill to swallow because many of us have had bad stuff happen to us, perhaps you have had bad breaks in life like growing up without a dad, or someone abused you when you were young, maybe you have had a failed marriage or business. There could be a wide range of scenarios you have been through but never the less they happened, and these situations have caused your thoughts to be on the negative side of the scale. The enemy knows that we have been made new in Christ, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to keep us down in the dumps. The enemy only has as much power as we allow him to have and we give him that power when we believe his lies; he is called the father of lies, and his lies come in the form of thoughts. He can no longer go before the Father to accuse you of your sins because Jesus took care of your sins once and for all when He shed his blood at Calvary. However, the enemy is hoping that you will never believe that your sins are taken care of so now he comes, and whispers lies to you in thoughts based on your past hurts and disappointments or your past sins. Hence the reason the Apostle Paul reminds us to renew our minds. 

We must come to a place in our walk with God where we take responsibility for our thoughts. We live in a world prone to passing the blame, and the victim mentality is rampant. In my own life for many years I found it easier to blame my unfortunate circumstances on other people because it made me feel better about my bad attitude and negativity. Growing up in a single parent home was difficult, and while there were unfortunate results in my life I let the victim mentality dictate a negative pattern. I was very comfortable to live like that because I felt I had the right to be the way I was because someone wronged me or took advantage of me. Over the years God has opened my eyes to the fact that though I was a victim of neglect, rejection, and abuse I did not have to embrace that as my identity instead I could be changed if I allowed my mind to be renewed.

Today I want to encourage you to let go of the victim mentality and identity and let God help you dump those negative thoughts about the past. Ask Him to lead you to His words that will renew your mind so you can change your life.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” ― James Allen 

Our Daily Bread

“How to Rebuild”

It was nighttime when the leader set out by horseback to inspect the work that lay ahead. As he toured the destruction all around him, he saw city walls that had been destroyed and gates that had been burned. In some areas, the vast debris made it tough for his horse to get through. Saddened, the rider turned toward home.

When it came time to report the damage to the officials of the city, he began by saying, “You see the trouble we are in” (Nehemiah 2:17). He reported that the city was in ruins, and the protecting city wall had been rendered useless.

But then he made a statement that energized the troubled citizens: “I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me.” Immediately, the people replied, “Let us start rebuilding” (v. 18).

And they did.

With faith in God and all-out effort, despite enemy opposition and a seemingly impossible task, the people of Jerusalem—under Nehemiah’s leadership—rebuilt the wall in just fifty-two days (6:15).

As you consider your circumstances, is there something that looks difficult but that you know God wants you to do? A sin you can’t seem to get rid of? A relationship rift that’s not God-honoring? A task for Him that looks too hard?

Ask God for guidance (2:4-5), analyze the problem (vv. 11-15), and recognize His involvement (v. 18). Then start rebuilding……….By Dave Branon

God, I need Your help. I can’t fix these problems alone. Help me to understand the situation, and then to seek Your help and guidance in resolving the challenges before me.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

10 Minute Challenge

Here is a challenge for you to do. Ready? Look into each other’s eyes for 10 minutes without saying anything.
The idea is to connect totally and completely through your eyes only. Then once you finish, talk about everything that went through your mind during that 10 minutes. 
Today’s One Thing:
Look into each other’s eyes for 10 minutes without saying anything. Then talk about it.

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp at Old 690 Brewery at 15670 Ashbury Church Rd, Purcellville, VA
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

We Continue our Wednesday Evening Study Group online
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell

Life’s Storm

Love Selflessly Sacrifices

The Academy Award- winning World War II movie Saving Private Ryan tells the story of a young soldier (Private Ryan) whose brothers have been killed in battle. To spare his family the agony of losing all of their sons, the government orchestrates a rescue mission to save him and send him home. The rescue team is led by a no-nonsense army captain who seems to believe that the whole thing is a bad idea.

In the film’s final scene, the captain is fatally wounded while fulfilling his mission. With his dying words, he looks the soldier in the eyes and says, “Earn this! Earn it.” The film flashes forward many decades, and we see Private Ryan as an old man standing at the grave of that captain. You can tell he has been haunted by those words and trying to “earn it” all his life, but he never knows for sure if he has measured up. He pleads with the grave, seeking approval, but he finds none.

Many people believe they have put their faith in Jesus, but they also believe they have to earn what he did for them on the cross. Here’s the good news: when Jesus was hanging on that cross, dying to save you, he did not use his dying words to say, “Earn this.” Do you know what he said instead? He said, “It is finished!”

Did you catch that? It is finished. That means done, complete, sealed, finished! That’s God’s gift of grace. Jesus has done all the work already. You couldn’t possibly earn it even if you tried with everything you had, and God never expected you to.

The Bible says that if you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, then you will be saved (Rom. 10:9). It’s not a duty for you to earn; it’s a gift for you to receive by faith. Reach out to your Savior and love God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. He’s already done all the work, and he did it out of love for you. It is finished.

What’s the greatest sacrifice you’ve made for someone you love? 

Our Daily Bread

The Safest Place

God is our refuge and strength………..Psalm 46:1

As Hurricane Florence was bearing down on Wilmington, North Carolina, with devastating force, my daughter prepared to leave her home. She’d waited until the last moment, hoping the storm would veer away. But now she was hurriedly sorting through important papers, pictures, and belongings, trying to decide what to take with her. “I didn’t expect it would be so hard to leave,” she told me later, “but in that moment I didn’t know if anything would be there when I got back.”

Life’s storms come in many forms: hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, unexpected problems in marriage or with children, the sudden loss of health or finances. So much we value can be swept away in a moment. Amid the storms, Scripture points us to the safest place: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way” (Psalm 46:1-2).

The writers of this psalm were descendants of a man who generations earlier served God but then rebelled against Him and perished in an earthquake (see Numbers 26:9-11). The outlook they share shows humility and a profound understanding of God’s greatness, compassion, and redeeming love.

Troubles come, but God outlasts them all. Those who run to the Savior discover that He can’t be shaken. In the arms of His eternal love we find our place of peace………..By James Banks

O God, the One who is greater than the storm, help me to place every fear in Your hands today and to rest in Your unfailing love.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

The Thing We Should Do First Is the Thing We Do Last!

Have you ever been in a crisis situation with other people where no one knew what to do?  Finally someone says, “Well, I guess we could pray.” Why is it that the thing we should do first is the thing we do last? There have been so many times in our marriage that we struggled with a decision. Finally, one of us will say, “Why don’t we pray about it?” and then we do. 

You know what happens every time? We get an answer. Not just any
answer, but a really good answer. Then Nancy and I will look at each other and say, “Why did we not pray first?” God longs for us to bring our struggles to Him. He is always there and He has the answers that we would never get on our own. The apostle Paul talks about praying all the time and why not? Why not seek the Creator of everything when His ears are just waiting to hear our voice? Today I want you to pray together. You can pray out loud or silently. You can kneel or lie down, stand up or sit down. Just pray one simple short prayer. Pray something like this, “Father, help our marriage to be everything you designed it to be.” That’s it. That’s today’s One Thing.

Today’s One Thing:
Pray something like this together today, “Father, help our marriage to be everything you designed it to be.

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp at Old 690 Brewery at 15670 Ashbury Church Rd, Purcellville, VA
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

We Continue our Wednesday Evening Study Group online
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell

Encouragement Provided

I Got This

What is Our Response to COVID-19?
by Rocky Fleming

“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” (Philippians 1:12 ESV)
The Apostle Paul was imprisoned and taken to Rome.  He was taken out of his public ministry.  His form of distributing the Gospel had been changed.  But and this is a big “BUT,” it turned out for the good.  He said it.  He was given more direct influence on people who would have a broader influence than his individual preaching and meeting with people.  He was also forced to write his letters, which make up a great part of the New Testament and required him to speak only to those few physically around him.  BUT it turned out to be good.  Do you think God had a plan in all this?  You can bet on it!  How about current events with churches having to cease meeting together for a while?  How about Influencers and our ministry that gathers men and women into discipleship groups?  Will this postponement with physically meeting together and using Zoom work out for advancing God’s ministry through Influencers even though it disrupts our methods?  It is already proving to be so.  Let me share some things with you to prove it.

We’ve been using virtual staff meetings for several years to both encourage and pray together.  We’ve been using virtual connections with a person who cannot be in his or her group because of such things as traveling, and thereby including them in their group that they would have missed otherwise.  For two years now we’ve been having discipleship groups via Zoom both nationally and internationally on a limited basis.  While they have worked wonderfully well, these early pioneering groups and efforts we’ve made in other ways have served as the foundation for an explosion of groups that I think will be happening soon.  I believe God was preparing this ministry for this additional form or discipleship groups way before we would realize, as we do now, not only the necessity of them, but as well the opportunity we now have.  Do you sense my excitement?

Now my encouragement to you is you do not have to be isolated or without community.  Just look for the opportunities and jump in.  Stretch yourself to learn the technology and jump in!  

COVID-19 is a dangerous enemy and we must respect it.  But our God is the most dangerous ONE to combat any enemy that comes against His family.  Let’s choose this day Him who will make good from bad, and amazing from desperation.  Remember these words:


 Love, God 

Our Daily Bread

“Light of the World”

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.—Revelation 3:20

One of my favorite pieces of art hangs in the Keble College chapel in Oxford, England. The painting, The Light of the World by English artist William Holman Hunt, shows Jesus holding a lantern in His hand and knocking on a door to a home.

One of the intriguing aspects of the painting is that the door doesn’t have a handle. When questioned about the lack of a way to open the door, Hunt explained that he wanted to represent the imagery of Revelation 3:20, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.”

The apostle John’s words and the painting illustrate the kindness of Jesus. He gently knocks on the door of our souls with His offer of peace. Jesus stands and patiently waits for us to respond. He does not open the door Himself and force His way into our lives. He does not impose His will on ours. Instead, He offers to all people the gift of salvation and light to guide us.

To anyone who opens the door, He promises to enter. There are no other requirements or prerequisites.

If you hear the voice of Jesus and His gentle knock on the door of your soul, be encouraged that He patiently waits for you and will enter if you welcome Him in. —Lisa Samra


Lord, thank You for the gift of salvation and Your promise to enter when we open the door. Please help me to respond to this gift and open the door for You today.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

What Would You Say?

What Would You say?

Imagine you could climb to the top of the highest mountain in the world. Once you were there you would have the attention of everyone in the world. Your purpose for being in that position with that audience was to shout out One Thing you love about your spouse. What would you say?  

Think about it. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You can honor your spouse and your marriage. What will you say? Got it? Now tonight when the two of you are alone tell your spouse what you would say!

Today’s One Thing: Tell your spouse the One Thing that you love about them!

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp at Old 690 Brewery at 15670 Ashbury Church Rd, Purcellville, VA
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

We Continue our Wednesday Evening Study Group online
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell

He Has A Purpose


God is using every circumstance in our lives to shape us and use us for His purpose!

It can be hard for us to accept the idea of God using ‘all things’ in this way. We know that God uses His Word to renew our minds and transform us. We can accept that God uses our fellowship with other believers in this way.  His blessings in our lives assure us of His loving care for us. However, there are still those times, when we say to ourselves “…but, does God really mean we can find joy in ‘all things’?

Yes!… He does!

Now, this doesn’t mean that God is pleased with all things. God does grieve when we bear the brunt of someone else’s sin. He is angry when a drunk driver slams into the car of someone we love. Our God knows, from His own experience on the cross, what the physical and emotional pain we experience feels like.  God loves us through all of our experiences.  He grieves and groans along with us.

We know that God is on His throne.  He reigns over all things and overrules evil.   He has a purpose and He is able to use the fallen, the evil, and even the most senseless things, to accomplish His good purpose in the world, and in our lives. This means that we can embrace any circumstance we find ourselves in, whether good or bad, as God’s opportunity for us to grow and minister in His name to others.

written by JOHN NORTH

Our Daily Bread

Navigating Life’s Rapids.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you……..Psalm 32:8

“Everybody on the left, give me three strong forward strokes!” our whitewater raft guide shouted. Those on the left dug in, pulling our raft away from a churning vortex. For several hours, we’d learned the importance of listening to our guide’s instructions. His steady voice enabled six people with little rafting experience to work together to plot the safest course down a raging river.

Life has its share of whitewater rapids, doesn’t it? One moment, it’s smooth sailing. Then, in a flash, we’re paddling like mad to avoid suddenly swirling whirlpools. Those tense moments make us keenly aware of our need for a skilled guide, a trusted voice to help us navigate turbulent times.

In Psalm 32, God promises to be that voice: “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go” (v. 8). Backing up, we see that confessing our sins (v. 5) and prayerfully seeking Him (v. 6) play a role in hearing Him too. Still, I take comfort in the fact that God promises, “I will counsel you with my loving eye on you” (v. 8), a reminder that His guidance flows from His love. Near the end of the chapter, the psalmist concludes, “The Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts him” (v. 10). And as we trust Him, we can rest in His promise to guide us through life’s rockiest passages.

By Adam R. Holz


Father, thank You for Your promise to be my Guide. Help me to seek You and listen to You as You direct the course of my life.  

Credit: Our Daily Bread

The attaches of the enemy are real and intense.

Christian Marriages –
The importance of praying daily for your marriage and for your spouse becomes more evident to me every day. I don’t think anyone would question that marriages are in trouble today. We don’t have to look very far to see evidence of that. For Christian marriages, the attacks of the enemy are real and intense. 
Marriage is God’s great design. Man was the only thing God created that was incomplete! Man needed a companion and to fill that need, God created woman. The enemy would like nothing more than to wreck that relationship. He wants to wreck marriage in general and yours in particular. Prayer is our most powerful weapon as we fight for our marriages. 

Here are 3 things I would challenge you to begin praying every day:
1. That God would protect your marriage.
2. That each of you would see the other through God’s eyes
3. That your sexual desire would be for your spouse only.

Today’s One Thing: Begin praying for your marriage.

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

The WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone during the pandemic:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp at Old 690 Brewery at 15670 Ashbury Church Rd, Purcellville, VA
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

We Continue our Wednesday Evening Study Group online
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell

From the Heart

Our Daily Bread


March on, my soul; be strong!……..Judges 5:21

In 2012, Phillips, Craig and Dean released their song “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.” It was inspired by the true story of a heart surgeon. After removing a patient’s heart to repair it, the surgeon returned it to the chest and began gently massaging it back to life. But the heart wouldn’t restart. More intense measures followed, but the heart still wouldn’t beat. Finally, the surgeon knelt next to the unconscious patient and spoke to her: “Miss Johnson,” he said, “this is your surgeon. The operation went perfectly. Your heart has been repaired. Now tell your heart to beat again.” Her heart began to beat.

The idea that we could tell our physical heart to do something might seem strange, but it has spiritual parallels. “Why, my soul, are you downcast?” the psalmist says to himself. “Put your hope in God” (Psalm 42:5). “Return to your rest, my soul,” says another, “for the Lord has been good to you” (116:7). After beating Israel’s enemies in war, Deborah, a judge, revealed that she too had spoken to her heart during battle. “March on, my soul,” she told it, “be strong!” (Judges 5:21), because the Lord had promised victory (4:6-7).

Our capable Surgeon has mended our heart (Psalm 103:3). So when fear, depression, or condemnation come, perhaps we too should address our souls and say: March on! Be strong! Feeble heart, beat again.

By Sheridan Voysey

REFLECT & PRAY: Master Physician, thank You for being with me in every trial and battle. Because of Your promised presence, I will direct my soul to act bravely.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

What do I mean by “date night”?

I talk a lot about “date nights” and how important they are in a marriage. In talking to some couples recently, I realized that sometimes my definition and their definition of what a date night should be are different. I’m not talking about what you do on the date or where you go or whether it is in the day or at night. I’m talking about who goes on the date. The date night that I think grows a marriage and gives you an opportunity to really connect involves only two people – you and your spouse. 

Date night does not mean the two of you along with one or more other couples. Those nights are fine but they have to come second to the “two of you alone” date night. Date night is not for the two of you and your kids. Those nights are also fine but not on this night. 

I think that maybe some of us are a little scared to spend an evening with just the two of us. What will we do? What will we talk about? I get that some of you may be uncomfortable at first but I promise you great date nights will follow if you will just persevere through a little uncomfortableness or awkwardness.

Today’s One Thing: Have a Date Night for just the two of you!

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

Thank You Old 690!

A great big THANK YOU to Old 690 for making the business and property available for WLCC to start up service again! Also, we want to thank Shannon, the Manager of Old 690, for all her help and assistance!

The new WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp!
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

Wednesday Evening Study Group
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell

Be Imitators of God

Follow God’s example in everything you do just as a much-loved child imitates his father: Ephesians 5:1

We Just Need Some Peace.

When I think of peace, I think of the absence of turmoil. It reminds me of my growing up years on my grandparents’ farm. Each summer day there was an adventure and it was a place where I was unconditionally loved and life was free from any conflict. It was a time of peace for me. I hear the word used often in the counseling room. “We just need some peace.” What I think most couples are saying to me is that they need the chaos to stop.

In marriage, we have at least two types of chaos. There is chaos we cause and there is chaos from other sources. Both can affect our peace. I think there can be peace for us in either circumstance.  Jesus gave us a great example as he slept in a boat being rocked and rolled by a storm.
Peace. Although we cannot control the storms in our lives, we can let God help us control our responses to them. This is what I would like for you to think about today. Are you doing anything to rob your marriage of peace? What are you doing to build peace in your marriage? Are you letting God give you His peace in the midst of your storms?

Today’s One Thing: Ask God to help you bring peace into your marriage and to give you the inner peace that comes from Him.

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

Our Daily Bread

When Sharks Won’t Bite.

One who is full loathes honey from the comb………..Proverbs 27:7

My children were thrilled, but I felt uneasy. During a vacation, we visited an aquarium where people could pet small sharks kept in a special tank. When I asked the attendant if the creatures ever snapped at fingers, she explained that the sharks had recently been fed and then given extra food. They wouldn’t bite because they weren’t hungry.

What I learned about shark petting makes sense according to a proverb: “One who is full loathes honey from the comb, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet” (Proverbs 27:7). Hunger—that sense of inner emptiness—can weaken our discernment as we make decisions. It convinces us that it’s okay to settle for anything that fills us up, even if it causes us to take a bite out of someone.

God wants more for us than a life lived at the mercy of our appetites. He wants us to be filled with Christ’s love so that everything we do flows from the peace and stability He provides. The constant awareness that we’re unconditionally loved gives us confidence. It enables us to be selective as we consider the “sweet” things in life—achievements, possessions, and relationships.

Only a relationship with Jesus gives true satisfaction. May we grasp His incredible love for us so we can be “filled to the measure [with] all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19) for our sake—and the sake of others.

By Jennifer Benson Schuldt

REFLECT & PRAY: Those who see Jesus as the Bread of Life will never be hungry.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

Thank You Old 690!

A great big THANK YOU to Old 690 for making the business and property available for WLCC to start up service again! Also, we want to thank Shannon, the Manager of Old 690, for all her help and assistance!

The new WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp!
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

Wednesday Evening Study Group
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell


Loving others regardless of who they are.

I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17:23

Thank You Old 690!

A great big THANK YOU to Rhonda for making her business and property available for WLCC to start up service again! Also, we want to thank Shannon, the Manager of Old 690, for all her help and assistance!

The new WLCC service is set up to accommodate everyone:
• Sunday Service: Starts @ 9:00 AM Sharp!
We have drive-in service where you can stay in your car, watch the service, and listen to Pastor Ray by tuning your car radio to 1610 AM.
• We also have numerous tables, spaced appropriately, for anyone wishing to attend the outdoor service in a more personable atmosphere.
• In the event of rain we will move under the covered roof portion of the building.
• WLCC continues to stream Sunday Service at 10:00 AM on Facebook and YouTube.

Wednesday Evening Study Group
Join us every week at 7:30 pm for an hour of great discussion.

Western Loudoun Community Church is about being the church — not just some religious exercise. We are about fulfilling the Great Commission and living the Great Commandment.

Come see what all the laughter and joy is about – We’ll save you a seat.
Senior Pastor Ray Cowell

First Impression

 For some of you, this may tax your brain a little. For others, the answer will come easily. It’s not right or wrong. I want you to recall something that may have been a few years ago or even a lot of years ago. I’m going to ask you some questions that I think will help you get to the answer. Ready? 

When was the first time you ever saw your spouse? What was your first impression of them? If you asked Nancy that second question, her answer would be something like, “My first impression of Kim was pretty bad!” which meant that I had a lot of work to do to overcome that first blind date.) 

Now, think about the first time that you knew in your heart that this was the person that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? When did you share that with your now spouse? Your One Thing is to share the memory of the first time you knew you wanted to marry your spouse with them today!

Today’s One Thing: Share the memory of the first time you knew you wanted to marry your spouse with them today!

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)

Our Daily Bread

God Stuff

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have……..1 Peter 3:15

Most of Mike’s co-workers knew little about Christianity, nor did they seem to care. But they knew he cared. One day near the Easter season, someone casually mentioned that they’d heard Easter had something to do with Passover and wondered what the connection was. “Hey, Mike!” he said. “You know about this God stuff. What’s Passover?”

So Mike explained how God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. He told them about the ten plagues, including the death of the firstborn in every household. He explained how the death angel “passed over” the houses whose doorframes were covered by the blood of a sacrificed lamb. Then he shared how Jesus was later crucified at the Passover season as the once-and-for-all sacrificial Lamb. Suddenly Mike realized, Hey, I’m witnessing!

Peter the disciple gave advice to a church in a culture that didn’t know about God. He said, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).

Because Mike had been open about his faith, he got the chance to share that faith naturally, and he could do so with “gentleness and respect” (v. 15).

We can too. With the help of God’s Holy Spirit, we can explain in simple terms what matters most in life—that “stuff” about God.

By Tim Gustafson

REFLECT & PRAY: Father, help me be ready to explain the hope and purpose You can bring to life.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

Are you ready for a change?

Our Daily Bread

Keepers of the Light

For God . . . made his light shine in our hearts………..2 Corinthians 4:6

They call them “Keepers of the Light.”

At the lighthouse on the cape of Hatteras Island just off the North Carolina coast of the United States, there’s a memorial to those who’ve tended the light stations there since 1803. Shortly after the existing structure was moved inland because of shoreline erosion, the names of the keepers were etched on the old foundation stones and arranged into an amphitheater shape facing the new site. That way—as a placard explains—today’s visitors can follow in the historical keepers’ footsteps and “watch over” the lighthouse as well.

Jesus is the ultimate light-giver. He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). That’s a radical thing for anyone to claim. But Jesus said it to affirm His relationship with His heavenly Father, the Creator of light and life who sent Him.
When we look to Jesus for salvation and follow His teaching, we’re restored in relationship with God, and He gives us new power and purpose. His transforming life and love—“the light of all mankind” (1:4)—shines in us and through us and out to a dark and sometimes dangerous world.

As believers in Jesus, we become “keepers of the light.” May others see His light shine from us and discover the life and hope He alone can give!
By James Banks

REFLECT & PRAY: Jesus, I praise You for Your light and love. Help me to shine for You.

Credit: Our Daily Bread

Improve Communication

I recently received the question, “How can we keep disagreements from escalating?” That is a great question and one that most of us have to deal with at some point in our marriages. Here are three things that work for Nancy and me:

  1. When one is talking, the other is to listen and not interrupt.
  2. Make sure you really heard what the other was saying by repeating it back to them in your own words.
  3. Always have a “we” approach. You are a team that is trying to do what is best for each other and the marriage.

Go over these together and keep them in mind the next time you have a disagreement. That is your One Thing for today!

Today’s One Thing: Go over Dr. Kim’s three bullet points to remember during a disagreement and apply when necessary!

DON’T JUST SURVIVE! – Your Marriage Was Meant To Thrive!

If you like these series of tips and want to receive your One Thing Email please sign up at  (It’s free!)


“God must love you a lot! He doesn’t allow someone to go through the kinds of adversity you have experienced unless He has a special calling on your life.” Those were the words spoken to me by two different mentors at two different times within a three-year period. Later I would learn another related truth from a respected man of God—a man whom God uses throughout the globe. “The depth and width of your faith experiences are directly proportional to your calling.” What were these men of God saying?

They were describing a process of preparation that God takes each of His leaders through when He plans to use them in significant ways. A “faith experience” is an event or “spiritual marker” in your life about which you can say, “That is where I saw God personally move in my life.” God showed Himself personally to you in an unmistakable event. It was the burning bush for Moses; the Jordan River for the nation of Israel; or Jacob’s encounter with the angel. It was the feeding of the 5,000 for the disciples. It was the time when you saw God face to face in your life.

If God has plans of using you in the lives of many others, you can expect that He is going to allow certain faith experiences to come into your life in order to build a foundation that will be solid. That foundation is what you will be able to look back on to keep you faithful to Him in the times of testing. Each of us must have personal faith experiences in which we experience God personally so that we can move in faith to whatever He may call us. Do you need a personal faith experience right now in your life? Pray that God will reveal Himself to you. He delights in doing that.

Workplace Application:
It was March of 1998. God had miraculously provided the money for me to attend a Christian business conference on the island of Cyprus. After I led a morning devotional time, a man from England came up to me. “I need to talk to you,” he said. I did not share any of my personal life in the message that morning, so he knew nothing of my series of financial crises that were part of my life at the time. He said, “The Lord wants you to know He had to remove your finances to ensure the reward He has for you in Heaven.” I was shocked! How could this man know my situation? A few moments later, we were praying together. While in prayer he said, “I see a tree. It is full of fruit and the fruit is now beginning to fall. You are the tree.” I began to weep. That was the third prayer incident over the last three years in which someone had described my life as a tree— however, this was the first time the fruit was falling. God allowed me to have this “faith experience” to encourage me in my faith journey. He wants to do the same for you.

Has God ever taken you to your own “Red Sea” experience where if you did not receive a breakthrough, you might be overcome by the circumstance? God often sets up situations in order to frame your life through the experience. God wants to build a testimony through your life. Begin to look for opportunities to experience the power of Christ in your circumstances.
Credit: Time of Grace, Mike Novotny

Join us for lively discussion.
Bible study – Wednesday 7:30 pm