Sermon Speaker

Pastor Ray Cowell

Correcting Your Spiritual Vision, Pt. 4

The way you see yourself largely determines how you approach life.  If you see yourself as a mouse, you will live in fear of anything that resembles a cat.  If you see yourself as a nail, you will expect to get beat on.  If you see yourself as strong and capable you will be more likely to attempt difficult things.  If you see […]

Letting Jesus Correct Your Spiritual Vision, Pt. 3

““Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness. Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you are filled with light, with […]

Letting God Correct Your Spiritual Vision, Pt. 2

A few years ago a little boy in my neighborhood got his first pair of glasses.  His dad told me he didn’t want to wear them at first.  But once he put them on, he didn’t want to take them off.  In his words, “it’s not furry anymore!”   The same thing is true with […]

Letting Jesus Correct Our Spiritual Vision

Anyone who has ever worn glasses or contacts knows the value of vision correction.   With them, you can see clearly.  Without them, not so much.  Well, the same is true when it comes to your spiritual vision. Without help, the way you view yourself, your struggles, your pain, your problems your future, your potential and ultimately how you see God, can be blurry and out […]


A couple of weeks ago we talked about how much of your life is out of your control.  You can’t control what other people do or how they treat you.  You don’t control a lot your circumstances.  You can’t predict or prevent every problem that comes your way.  But you do have the ability to […]

Three Life-Changing Questions

One of the great benefits of becoming a Christ-follower is life change. In fact, many people come to Christ in a crisis with a desperate need to change. And the good news is that Jesus meets us in those moments, shows us a better way to live and helps us to change. We often refer […]

Getting Unstuck

Getting stuck is no fun and there are many ways to get stuck in life.  You may feel stuck in a career.  You should make a change, but can’t seem to get going.  You may feel like  stuck in an uncomfortable place in your family situation or marriage.  You want the kind of marriage and family God has for you, but can’t seem to move forward.  You […]

Understanding Closed Doors

“… This is the message from the one who is holy and true, the one who has the key of David. What he opens, no one can close; and what he closes, no one can open.   Revelation 3:7  (NLT) We have been talking about “Unlocking God’s Plans for your life” and several of our […]

Unlocking God’s Plans for Your Life, Pt. 3

We have been talking about recognizing where Jesus is leading you and what He wants you to do with your life.  And so far we have talked about five ways or, Keys to unlocking God’s plans for your life.  If you missed the first 5 you can listen to parts one and two of this series on YouTube or our church web […]