Sermon Speaker

Pastor Ray Cowell

Unlocking God’s Plans for Your Life

Last week we concluded our message with an invitation to let God Lead you forward in life. So what does that look like? How do you know when God is leading you? How can you know if you are living according to His plans? Well, that is what we will talk about this Sunday. “My […]

Confronting Failure, Pt. 2

We are calling this 2 part message “confronting failure” because generally we would rather do anything else.  Ignore our failures. Pretend like they didn’t happen. Cover them up or blame others.  Nevertheless, failure and losing are part of life.  Thought they can be painful, seasons of failure offer things to learn that help you to […]

Confronting Failure

We have been talking about the seasons of life.  Last week talked about the season of “self-doubt.” In it we touched on the subject of failure. I promised that we would talk about how to grow in the season of failure.  And that is what we will talk about Sunday.     To everything there […]

Overcoming Seasons of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be debilitating. Unchecked, it will keep you from attempting or following through on the many opportunities and blessings God has planned for you. God wants to replace doubts about yourself with confidence in Him. Join us this week as we talk about ways to overcome self-doubt.    See you in Church Pastor Ray 

Mother’s Day

“Over the years, I have read a number of articles that consistently show that many moms feel inadequate and under appreciated.  And so my gift to moms on this Mother’s Day is a message of encouragement and God’s appreciation for mothers.” 

Seasons of Financial Success

Just as there are seasons of weather in each year, there are also seasons in your life. Some seasons  based on your age and other seasons are based on circumstances. And in every season there are responsibilities, challenges and opportunities. Things to enjoy, things to endure, people to help and things to learn. Previously we talked about how to […]

Seasons of Financial Stress

Almost everyone will experience Seasons of Financial stress at some point in their life.  But even in this season there is something to learn, things to enjoy, people to help and ways to grow in your walk with Jesus.  And that is what we will talk about this Sunday.  

Seasons of Life

We are starting a series called “Seasons of Life”. We have four seasons of weather. Understanding the characteristics helps us to plan how to enjoy them and determines the types of things we can do. Life also has seasons. In this series we will learn how to understand these seasons, the challenges and opportunities they […]

The Resurrection of Jesus

Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus rose from the dead.  A reasonable person might ask “So What?”, “Good For Him”, “What does this mean for Me?” Quite a bit! In fact, His Resurrection can radically change your life.   Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the Resurrection and talk about what it means for you.