Sermon Speaker

Pastor Ray Cowell

Troubleshooting Life, Pt. 2

“Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”  Psalm 50:15 (NLT) Two weeks ago I said, “I hope your life is more than just trouble.  Your life should be a mixture of things.  Bitter and sweet. Good times and hard times.  There will be times of struggle and times when you can relax and recharge.  If it […]

Troubleshooting Life

Sometimes life is hard and you might not know why.  You might think you are doing the right thing but things are turning out wrong.  This Sunday’s message will provide 4 essential questions to help you sort things out in your spiritual journey.

What Happens When You Pray?

Sermon Title: “What Happens When You Pray”  In life there are lots of struggles.  Always has been, always will be. No one gets through life without difficulties.  You can either get through the difficulties of life with God or without Him.  Without God you don’t have a prayer. You are on your own. Do the best you can and maybe things […]

Livin’ on a Prayer

Have you ever faced a hopeless or impossible situation? Maybe you feel backed into a corner with no way out.  Maybe you look at the future and don’t see any good options. The numbers don’t add up in your budget. The doctor offers no prescription. The odds are stacked against you.  The opposition appears to […]

Your Influence

Communion this Sunday – March 5, 2023 If becoming a Christ-follower is just about going to heaven when you die, what are you supposed to do for the rest of your life?  Just wait for the reaper or the rapture to come? NO!  We have a mission to accomplish on planet earth. We are in […]

Can We Talk?

I believe the church is entering a new season. This weekend we will continue talking about “What on earth are we here for?” in a more personal way. God is always doing something and calling someone to cooperate with Him as He does it. So how do you fit in to His plan and how does our […]

Our Purpose

Periodically we need reminders: My new thermostat lets me know when I need to change the air filters.  My watch reminds me when I have an appointment to get a haircut.  Without these reminders, we tend to forget.  It can be the same way in spiritual things.  For the next few weeks, we are going to […]

True Love

This Sunday our Sermon is entitled “True Love”. We will talk about how to recognize true love and how to love people (even those we may not like).

Three Questions that Enable Your Fresh Start

Most of us want to change. Many of our resolutions reveal that we want to eliminate bad habits and develop good habits. We want to achieve goals. We want to develop good attitudes and abandon bad attitudes. But many of us don’t know how to change. And if we are honest, we don’t have the […]