Sermon Speaker

Pastor Ray Cowell

Recognizing God’s Voice, Pt. 2

So what did we talk about last week? No, that was just one example contained in the first point of the message. Actually we talked about recognizing God’s voice. Jesus said,  “My sheep recognize my voice, and I know them,and they follow me.  John 10:27 (The Living Bible) Just as sheep become familiar with their shepherd’s voice, Jesus says […]

Recognizing God’s Voice

Last week we talked about how hearing from God is one of the great benefits of being a Christ-follower.  But how do you know if you are really hearing from God or not? The simple answer is you test it.  This week we start talking about seven biblical hearing tests for discerning God’s voice.   […]

Hearing from God

One of the basic teachings of scripture is that God speaks.   But sometimes we have trouble hearing from Him.   Join us this Sunday as we talk about some ways to make sure you can hear from God.   See you in church!


A doctor told his patient “I’m afraid you only have three weeks to live,”  The patient took a few seconds to let the weight of those words sink in and responded with a little humor…  Join us this Sunday to hear the rest of that story and learn how to live the kind of life God rewards. 

Until He Comes

Each time we share the Lord’s Supper we read this familiar passage: “For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again. 1 Corinthians 11:26 (NLT)When we share the meal in our church, we generally focus on what Jesus’ death on the Cross means for your today.  This meal nourishes your […]

Acing the Tests of Life

When I was in school, I would often ask “Is this gonna be on the test?” I didn’t always get a straight answer. But when it comes to the tests of life, the Bible lets us know exactly what is on the test.  Staying filled with peace and joy is easier when you know how to recognize and deal with the things that test you.  Join us […]

Staying Filled

I feel like a lot of us could use a Spiritual Reset. This simply means stopping (and evaluating) what we are doing as Christ-followers and as a Church. Next, taking corrective action as necessary. Then restarting to begin afresh. And this is so consistent with the Bible’s repeated offer of divine do-overs and new beginnings.   So join us this Sunday for a Spiritual Reset.  See you in […]

The Power of Hope

Hope offers amazing power to people whether facing overwhelming odds, serious illness, significant financial trouble, seemingly irreconcilable family problems and when stepping up to seize big opportunities.God designed you and the world you live in to operate on hope. In fact God wants you to have so much hope that it impacts everything in your life including the people you come in contact with everyday.  The […]