Sermon Speaker

Pastor Ray Cowell

The Gift of Mercy

Some gifts are better than others. Some are more necessary and practical. The greatest gift you can give or receive is mercy.  Jesus said,  “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.  Matthew 5:7 (NIV) If you could use more mercy in your life, then join us this Sunday!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

There was a hit song from my childhood that went “I can’t get no… Satisfaction…and I try and I try and I try and I try…” And a few decades later U2 had a hit song entitled “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.”  And then about 10 years ago there was song entitled “Show Me What I’m Looking […]

Finding Strength in Gentleness

If “inheriting the earth” sounds good to you, then come to church this weekend. We are in part three of our series “Stressed to Blessed” based on the Beatitudes– the opening portion of Jesus’ most famous sermon. The Beatitudes teach us about the secret ways of God and the counter culture and counter intuitive attitudes and actions God blesses. Jesus said,   Blessed are those who are gentle. […]

Where is God When It Hurts?

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:1-4 (NIV)
We generally associate mourning with the loss of loved ones. But there are a lot of losses in life that can cause sadness. You can lose your health, you can lose your job, you can lose your money, you can lose a dream. You can lose your marriage and your happy family. You can lose a friendship. And sometimes we even cause our own pain through poor decisions orbed behavior. Nevertheless, we serve God who wants to be there for us in our pain.

Keeping Your Emotional Tank Full

Am I the only one who feels like I’m running on empty lately? And you might not even know that you are running on empty because the stress of the last few years and changes to your lifestyle have simply become your new normal. Well God doesn’t want you to run on empty. This Sunday […]

Winning with the hand you were Dealt pt 2

For the last few weeks, we have been talking about how we make choices and then those choices make us. But there are also facts and factors in your life that you had no choice over. And they impact your life too! This Sunday is part 2 of “Winning with the hand you are dealt” […]

Winning with the Hand You Were Dealt

For the last three weeks we have been talking about how we make choices and then those choices make us. But there are also facts and factors in your life that you had no choice over. And they impact your life too! Today’s message focuses on the things. We are calling this message, “winning with […]

Making Decisions God’s Way

Indecision is one of the greatest sources of stress in your life. It can seem like you are being torn in different directions. And what often follows the stress of making a decision is the anxiety that comes from wondering if we made the right decision. We second-guess ourselves prolonging the agony. But for Christ-followers, […]