
Getting Your Grateful On

 “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” Psalm 103:2   This passage gives us a sense that the Psalmist might have been struggling to get his grateful on. It sounds like He was saying “Come on soul, get with the program.”  You are forgetting how blessed you really are.”  You and […]

Until Jesus Comes Again

“For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again. 1 Corinthians 11:26 (NLT) We quote this passage of scripture every time we share the Lord’s supper. I   believe the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle to include it so that we would.  So why is the Second […]

Faith Building Tests, Pt. 2

In our series about “Following Jesus” we have been talking about the ways that Jesus wants to change your life.   One of the most foundational changes has to do with the quality of your faith.  Because the quality of your faith is an essential element of changing your life.   Join us this Sunday as we continue […]

Faith Building Tests

In our series about “Following Jesus” we have been talking about the ways that Jesus wants to change your life.   One of the most foundational changes has to do with the quality of your faith.  Because the quality of your faith is an essential element of changing your life.   Join us this Sunday as we talk about some faith […]

Developing Patience

In our series about “Following Jesus” we have been talking about some pretty tough subjects.  Things like dealing with Anger, Difficult People, Worry and last week we talked about Your Need for Patience.  The Bible says,  But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, […]

Your Need for Patience

In our series about “Following Jesus” we have been talking about some pretty tough subjects.  Things like dealing with Anger, difficult people and last week we talked about His command to not worry.  None of those subjects is exactly easy.  But Jesus never said that following Him was going to be easy.  He described it this […]

Dealing with Difficult People

“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him… Colossians 2:6–7 (NLT) Becoming a Christian is easy. Because God made it easy.  But sometimes following Jesus isn’t. For the last two weeks we […]

Anger Management, Pt. 2

And anger can be a problem if you don’t control it. The Bible says,  Short-tempered people do foolish things,  Proverbs 14:17 (NLT)  Even the most devoted Christ-follower may struggle with feelings of anger.  So this Sunday we will continue talking about Anger and how to manage it.