Month: August 2020

Love One Another

A friend told me a true story that has stuck with him for over 20 years, and it goes something like this. A man and his wife, Cindy, were living life as usual. Going through their day, watching life pass by from this little rock we live on as it goes around the sun, year, […]


Struggling at work? Do you have to home school or entertain your young children at home while trying to balance work from home? Maybe you don’t have a job? Are your finances depleted? What specific “situation” are you facing? Pastor Ray: This is a faith moment in your life.  You have left Egypt and are […]


Our Daily Bread We were . . . buried with him……..Romans 6:4 For twenty-nine years after World War II ended, Hiroo Onoda hid in the jungle, refusing to believe his country had surrendered. Japanese military leaders had dispatched Onoda to a remote island in the Philippines (Lubang) with orders to spy on the Allied forces. […]

Dream BIG

Our Daily Bread All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.—2 Timothy 3:16 My attempts at fixing things around the house usually lead to paying someone else to undo the damage I caused while trying to fix the original problem. But recently I successfully repaired a home appliance […]


Our Daily Bread Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil……..Psalm 141:4 Years ago, when I was learning to ski, I followed my son Josh down what appeared to be a gentle slope. With my eyes on him I failed to notice he turned down the steepest hill on the mountain, and […]