
Prayer Time for Mayors and Churches

God blessed us with an incredible turn out for the Mayor and Church meeting. We were so encouraged to see 16 different Pastors and their churches represented. Pastor Ray Cowell from Western Loudoun Community Church was among the participants.

Let’s build on this great turnout!

This will be a quarterly event and the first of these quarterly prayer times will be held Wednesday, March 18th at 11:30 at Purcellville Baptist Church. We will provide lunch for a time of fellowship and then take time to pray in groups for the needs expressed by the mayors. We will pray for renewal and revival throughout our communities, how churches can help each other out, and how the church can oversee a youth-led council of youth helping youth.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Psalms 133:1.

Supporting our Neighbors

WLCC is working with Loudoun’s homeless shelter to provide items for families in need of a helping hand. Items generously accepted at WLCC Sunday 10am service:

  • Twin blankets
  • Instant hot chocolate
  • Creamer
  • Tea
  • Breakfast bars
  • Winter coats (if used, they need to be in clean, “like new” condition)

We also  have a local family of 6 that are in need of a Thanksgiving dinner and they have 4 kids that are in need of clothing.

The kids specifics are as follows:

  • Girl, age 7, Clothes: size small, kid, size 6 top and bottom, Shoes: size 10
  • Girl, age 5, Clothes: size 4T in top and bottom, Shoes: size 9 in shoes
  • Boy, age 4, Clothes: size 4T top and bottom, Shoes: size 9
  • Boy, age 2, Clothes: size 3T top and bottom, Shoes: size 6

Monetary contributions can be made through online giving, click here. Note your donation as “family in need”  Your contributions are a blessing to others.

Thank you, Mahvash Ghaffari

Operation Christmas Child is Ramping Up for 2019

National Collection week for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas a Child is quickly approaching. Western Loudoun Community Church has been a proud participant in this wonderful ministry to share the Gospel with children all over the world through the simple gift of shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene products.

With your help, we can meet our 2019 goal of filling 250 shoeboxes! Donations can be made at the Old Stone School in Hillsboro on Sundays between 11am and noon. Alternatively, financial donations can be made through our website or directly to Samaritan’s Purse 
Stephanie Cunningham Cioffi  

Come Celebrate Easter with WLCC

Easter is the single most important holiday for Christians. It’s the saddest, happiest day of our year. Jesus’ death on the cross and His triumphant, earth shattering resurrection is the reason for the hope within us. We’d like to share that hope with you this Sunday.

Colorful eggs in a brown basket on green grass

Our service starts at 10:00 AM at The Old Stone School in Hillsboro with worship led by our praise team. Then, Pastor Ray will share a message of hope for you this Easter. After the service there will be refreshments, family portraits and a HUGE egg hunt.

WLCC volunteers have stuffed over 2,000 eggs with candy and other fun stuff. It’s our biggest hunt to date! Family portraits are provided free of charge. Just bring your family and we’ll take care of the rest.

190+ Boxes Packed Chock Full of Christmas Cheer For Kids Around the World

Today at our packing party we packed over 190 boxes for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child! Many thanks to all of our volunteers who help pack all those boxes. If you picked up a box from our kiosk in Hillsboro’s Old Stone School but haven’t been able to drop it off yet, you can drop it off at The Old Stone School in Hillsboro this Wednesday (11/14) between 7 and 8 pm or Sunday (11/18) between 10 and 11:30 am. Round Hill Baptist Church is also collecting boxes and you can drop them off there any night this week between 5 and 8 pm.

WLCC Collects 100+ Health Kits for Migrant Workers

Every year migrant workers come from as far as the Caribbean to help harvest apples and other fruits in our area. Many of them lack basic hygiene supplies and come in contact with pesticides and other agricultural chemicals which can cause illness if not cleaned properly.

WLCC partners with Pastor Dan Hesse to help provide workers in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia with health kits containing ivory soap (good for cleansing chemicals from the skin), shampoo, toothpaste, band aids and more. This year, we packed more than 100 kits with the generous donations from our congregation and community!

Missionary to Spain: Ariel Rainey

On August 12th Ariel Rainey, a missionary to Spain will speak about the people God is reaching through her ministry.

Come hear what God is doing and how YOU can be a part of it.

A little about Ariel from her Assemblies of God World Missions bio:

After more than 15 years in missions in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, Ariel Rainey is currently the General Director of the Oasis Center ministry in Madrid, Spain.  Oasis Center seeks to develop connections, disciples, and ultimately the Church among Muslim immigrants and refugees in Madrid.  Offering classes in Spanish, English, Art, and homework help for children, Oasis Center is impacting the diverse neighborhoods of Madrid, and each volunteer is a witness of the life-changing power of Jesus. In addition to her administrative responsibilities, Ariel leads the women’s ministry of Oasis Center, with a monthly breakfast outreach and a weekly arts/crafts class.

Although the world is influenced by fear of Islam and all it represents, Ariel has spent her entire career working with Muslims, using education as a platform.  She frequently uses II Corinthians 4 to define her own ministry and inspire others to reach Muslims: “Therefore since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.”

Ariel loves communication; she speaks English, French and Spanish, and makes funny jokes in Arabic with Oasis Center students. She enjoys preaching, teaching seminars, and writing when she gets a chance.  She’s also a singer with her local church worship team, taking every opportunity to lead others into the presence of God in prayer, praise and worship.