Sermon Speaker

Pastor Ray Cowell

Changing Starts with Choosing

“Fresh Start” is built on the truth that God is the author of second chances and divine do-overs.He generally changes our future by changing us.Join us this week as we talk about the first step:“God changes your life by changing your mind.”

Preparing for a Fresh Start

The beginning of a New Year offers the opportunity to reflect on the past and consider ways to change for a better future. But if you just focus on changing habits and behaviors, you are likely to be disappointed. Because the key to effective change is found deep in your soul.The Good News is that […]

When God Messes Up Your Plans

Christmas Day Service When God messes up your plans  Have you ever made plans and experienced frustration because you had to change them?  Have you ever whined about it?  Have you ever blamed God when your plans didn’t work out?  The first Christmas includes a story of a young couple with plans to get married and start a family.  But then God […]

Jesus Makes Christmas Unique

In all of the shopping, decorating, travel, family get-togethers and meal planning it is easy to lose track of what Christmas is really all about.  Well Christmas is all about Jesus.  And this Sunday we will help you focus your attention on Him so that you can fully enjoy the holiday.  Pastor Ray 

Four Kinds of Peace God Wants You to Have

 “Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”Luke 2:13–14 (NLT) Some people wonder where is the “peace on earth“ promised at the arrival of Jesus.  We’ve had countless wars over the last […]

Good News of Great Joy

We could all use some extra Joy this year.  So this Sunday we will talk about ways to find the Joy you need in order to live the life God want you to have.   See you in church!Pastor Ray 

Ready for Christmas!

A man attended a little league baseball game one afternoon. He asked a boy in the dugout what the score was. The boy responded, “we’re down eighteen to nothing.” The spectator said, “I’ll bet you’re discouraged.”The little boy replied, ”Why should I be discouraged?” “We haven’t even gotten up to bat yet!” A lot of […]

Gratitude is Good for You

We all know that gratitude is a better attitude and giving thanks is expected as we mature.  But being thankful is also good for your mental health and will help you grow in your spiritual journey.  Join us this Sunday as we help you prepare your heart for Thanksgiving. 

Walking with God

For the last few weeks, we have been talking about hearing from God. This Sunday we will talk about walking with God. It is another one of the many benefits of being a Christ-follower. The Bible’s poster child for walking with God is man named Enoch.  Join us this Sunday to learn some truths about walking with God

Finding God in Seasons of Uncertainty

In life there will be seasons of uncertainty to deal with.  And for some people that is all they do. You just deal with it.  There is another option.  Seasons of uncertainty can become seasons of spiritual growth. Join us this Sunday to learn how tonavigate and grow in uncertain times.