Sermon Speaker

Pastor Ray Cowell

The Compassion of Jesus

I’m not very computer savvy.  I think I used to be. Not so much anymore.  But there seems to be one tried and true way to fix most computer problems. I just do a reset.  I turn it off and turn it back on again. 99.9% of the time, the problem clears up and it […]

Defeating Frustration, Pt. 2

I really like our current series “defeating the things that defeat us.” And it is essentially about winning the inner wars we all must fight. This Sunday we will continue answering the question, “Are you frustrated in God’s plan or is God frustrating your plans?” See you in church!

Defeating Frustration

I really like our current series “defeating the things that defeat us.”  And it is essentially about winning the inner wars we all must fight.     This Sunday we will answer the question, “Are you frustrated in God’s plan or is God frustrating your plans?“ See you in church! 

Defeating Self-Doubt

I really like the new series we are in.  I think we will call it, “defeating the things that defeat us.”  And it is essentially about the inner war that everyone must fight at times throughout your life.  And it is based on the idea that God wants you to win these battles.  The Bible says,  […]

Defeating Discourgement

There are a lot of things in life that can get you down. And many people accept being down as an unwelcome but inevitable fact of life.  They even excuse being down as being “Ok under the circumstances.”  What if you didn’t have to live under the circumstances?  What if God wanted you to live above them?  The Bible […]

Reasons for Hope

How do you see our nation in 2022?  Some look back and long of the good ol’ days. Others look around and worry about the future.  Well, this Sunday I will challenge you to look up as we consider some reasons for hope. 

Resolving Conflict, Pt. 2

One of the most important life skills you can learn is conflict resolution- how to resolve a conflict and how to restore a strained or broken relationship. In life conflict is inevitable. So if you want the “Rich and Satisfying Life”  Jesus promised, you need to develop this skill.  Jesus said,  “Blessed are those who make peace. They will be called […]

Conflict Resolution

One of the most important life skills you can learn is conflict resolution- how to resolve a conflict and how to restore a strained or broken relationship.  If you don’t learn this one, you won’t have the “rich and satisfying life” Jesus promised.  Because we’re all different.  We all see the world differently and think differently.  And number two, we all […]

Seeing God

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8 (NIV) “Seeing God” is arguably the most amazing promise in the Beatitudes.  The reason non-followers aren’t Christ-followers is that they can’t see God.  And the reason we struggle as Christ-followers, can’t easily see God either. Well Jesus explains in this simple statement the key […]